The dangers of DIY ear wax removal

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a naturally occurring substance produced by the body to protect the ear canal and eardrum from dirt, dust, and other foreign objects. However, a buildup of ear wax can lead to hearing difficulty, earaches, and other problems.

Many people will turn to things like cotton buds or kits bought off the internet to do this at home, however there are a great number of risks associated with removing ear wax yourself.

When tackling an ear wax build up, we always recommend you speak with a clinically trained professional who can remove your ear wax using professional techniques.

Below we have addressed some of the risks associated with removing ear wax at home and some things to consider.


1. You cannot see inside your ear

You cannot see what is inside your ear, so you may not be aware of any possible complications, such as a perforated eardrum or an infection. A qualified professional can see inside your ear and will be able to remove the wax safely.

2. You can cause a lot of damage

The ear is a delicate organ, and the eardrum is especially vulnerable to damage. If you push ear wax too far into your ear, you could rupture the eardrum, which can cause pain, hearing loss, and other problems.

3. The earwax could become more impacted

Instead of removing the earwax, cotton buds and other sharp objects can actually push it further into your ear, making the problem worse. This can lead to pain, hearing loss, and infection.

4. An infection could be caused

Inserting foreign objects into your ear can damage the skin lining and the natural bacterial flora of the ear canal. This can increase your risk of infection.


The best and safest way to remove ear wax is to see a qualified clinical professional. They will be able to remove the wax safely and prevent any potential damage.

All of our practitioners at South West Hearing Care are Registered Nurses, who are fully insured, have years’ worth of community nursing experience and use the very latest equipment and technology. For more details on our ear wax removal service, please click here.

If you are concerned about ear wax build up, please contact us and we would be delighted to help.


Date: 3 August 2023