It’s the most wonderful time to hear

There is nothing like the festive season with one social engagement after another. From the Christmas office party, drinks with friends and the buzz of the family gathering on the big day, December is a time for fun and social interaction.

However, for someone with hearing loss, the Christmas period can cause a lot of anxiety.

One in six people across the UK experience some form of reduced hearing, but nowhere near that amount act to improve their hearing. Many believe that they are being a martyr by ‘getting on’ with hearing loss, when actually if you prioritise your hearing, you can nurture relationships with those closest to you.

Hearing aids can make such a difference to someone's quality of life, especially at this time of year. Modern hearing aids are much smaller and more discreet than they ever used to be and packed full of amazing features that will help during the festive period.

At a Christmas gathering, directional microphones built into the hearing aids will adapt to pick up sound from in front of you and dampen noise from behind you. Also, nearly all hearing aids have Bluetooth connectivity which means you can enjoy a Christmas film with your family by streaming the audio directly into your hearing devices.

Don’t let another Christmas go by just ‘getting on’ with hearing loss, take this opportunity to look after your hearing health. Booking a FREE hearing assessment is such a simple action, but it can have a huge wealth of benefits.

If you'd like to speak us for further advice or to book a FREE hearing assessment for you or a loved one, please contact us and we would be delighted to help.


Date: 30 October 2023