Pupdate: Our sponsored Hearing Dog, Willow

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, is a UK-based charity, which transforms lives by training dogs to become "ears" for deaf individuals. These amazing canines alert their partners to crucial sounds like smoke alarms, doorbells, and even babies crying, enhancing safety and independence. But their impact goes far beyond practicality. Hearing dogs provide companionship, combating loneliness and isolation that can accompany deafness. They offer emotional support, fostering confidence and well-being. By alerting their partners in public settings, they act as social bridges, reducing anxiety and encouraging engagement.

Back in 2018 we decided as a company that we wanted to do our bit to support this incredible charity and the work that they do. We began sponsoring one of their 'puppies in training' and were paired with Vesper. A gorgeous but cheeky Labrador who has been living and working with Sian since completing her training.

We have since sponsored Luna, who was such a special pup with rare qualities that she will have her own puppies to whom she can teach her wonderful skills. Now we sponsor Willow, another beautiful Labrador. The charity has just sent us their most recent update about Willow and her socialisation training and we wanted to share it with you...


Holiday Fun with Willow

Welcome back to Willow’s Puppy Pen!

Willow recently enjoyed a wonderful holiday with her volunteer puppy trainers.

Willow was fascinated by the beach. It is full of interesting sights, textures and smells to explore… as well as being the perfect place to run, dig and splash around!

It is also a great opportunity to meet and play nicely with other dogs, which all helps to develop Willow’s social skills and confidence in public places.

Willow was enjoying a relaxing lie down outside, when she spotted some Canada Geese who popped by to say hello.

Willow was intrigued by her new friends, but she was very happy to stand and calmly watch them from a distance.

We are so impressed with Willow. She has been introduced to a few different animals now and she always greets them so politely. These introductions are an important part of Willow’s hearing dog training. When Willow is living life with her future deaf partner, we want her to feel happy, calm and confident when they encounter other animals.

Other animals have the potential to be intimidating, but Willow is learning to be polite and friendly towards everyone she meets. This is thanks to Willow’s volunteer puppy trainer helping to gently introduce Willow to the world around her. Through reward-based training, Willow is learning to associate meeting other animals as a fun and positive experience.

What a superstar!


Date: 21 February 2024